How do you know when a Greater Yellowlegs is near? It'll tell you. These gregarious shorebirds (Tringa melanoleuca) breed in boggy forest edges in the subarctic, along the coast of the Gulf of Alaska and in central Canada. Despite their conspicuous behavior both on the breeding grounds and during migration, Greater Yellowlegs are a particularly poorly understood species. While on-the-ground observations help us understand their range and habitat use at a species-level, until this year their migration had never been tracked from a bird's eye view. We didn't know the routes different populations use, what stopover sites are important, how they are connected and what an individual bird's migratory strategy looks like. Tracking data fills these gaps and informs our conservation priorities for populations.
Rare Bird Alert - September 8, 2023
TUNDRA BEAN-GOOSE | Pacific Golden-Plover | Red Knot | Semipalmated Sandpiper | Black Tern | Common Tern | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Merlin | Eastern Kingbird | Lucy’s Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | American Redstart | Chestnut-sided Warbler | Blackburnian Warbler | RED-FACED WARBLER | Summer Tanager | Painted Bunting
Birds of the Season—August 2023
Following a relatively cool early July, summer finally arrived. Temperatures increased and some weak systems brought a modicum of subtropical moisture. Thankfully there were no significant wildfires locally thus far.
But the stunner from a weather and birding perspective was a very strong tropical storm- the remnants of hurricane Hilary— that hit the county on August 20. This event dumped five inches of rain or more in many locations and was accompanied by high winds in many places. The added precipitation from Hilary makes severe fires even less likely, but not out of the question.