Pacific Golden-Plover | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Common Tern | Nazca Booby | Red-footed Booby | Neotropic Cormorant | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Tropical Kingbird | Eastern Kingbird | Yellow-green Vireo | Clay-colored Sparrow | Bobolink | Northern Waterthrush | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | Lucy’s Warbler | Virginia’s Warbler | Hooded Warbler | Northern Parula | Magnolia Warbler | Blackburnian Warbler | Chestnut-sided Warbler | Blackpoll Warbler | Black-throated Green Warbler | Summer Tanager | Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Rare Bird Alert - September 16, 2022
White-winged Dove | American Oystercatcher | Red Knot | Semipalmated Sandpiper | Sabine’s Gull | Common Tern | Magnificent Frigatebird | Nazca Booby | Brown Booby | Red-footed Booby | Neotropic Cormorant | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Tropical Kingbird | Yellow-green Vireo | Purple Martin | Lark Bunting | Clay-colored Sparrow | White-crowned Sparrow (dark-lored) | Baltimore Oriole | Northern Waterthrush | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | Lucy’s Warbler | Virginia’s Warbler | Hooded Warbler | American Redstart | Northern Parula | Chestnut-sided Warbler | Black-throated Green Warbler | Canada Warbler
Replay -- Dr. Travis Longcore: Light, Dark, Bird, Fish: Biological Impacts of Artificial Light at Night on the California Coast
Research by Levi Simons, Karen Martin, and Travis Longcore. Presented by Travis Longcore at the evening meeting of the Los Angeles Audubon Society on May 11, 2022.
Replay -- Dr. Amy Collins: Shining a Light on Nighttime Bird Migration
Each year, billions of songbirds partake in spring and fall migrations across the US. Many of these migrations take place at night, while we are all sound asleep. Amy will present her latest research on what tools we can use to monitor these mass migrations, and what characteristics of the landscape play a pivotal role in stopover locations.
Dr. Amy Collins is a Postdoctoral research fellow at Colorado State University. Her research investigates the impacts of light pollution and urbanization on nighttime bird migration. Amy has spent considerable time in LA where she conducted part of her PhD work examining the effects of light and noise pollution on wildlife movement and behavior. For more info on Amy’s work, please visit or check out her Twitter @amy_christina
Replay -- Dr. Eric Wood: Income inequality, racial segregation, and urban avifauna
Public lecture given on February 9, 2022 by Dr. Eric Wood (Cal State Los Angeles). The Wood Lab -
Replay -- Bill Wilson: Birds & Beans Coffee
Half of the people in the US have a cup of coffee every day but few understand the environmental impact of coffee. Even fewer prioritize origin and know how coffee farming affects people, farms, forests, and birds all over the world.
Bill Wilson is the co-founder and Managing Partner of Birds & Beans coffee. With the help of three other families and support from Scott Weidensaul, Bridget Stutchbury and Kenn Kaufman, they launched their company in 2008 to save the Smithsonian ‘Bird Friendly®’ shade grown coffee certification. Bill shares the story of Birds & Beans, which is not only Bird Friendly®, but also USDA Organic, and Fair Trade, and show how this approach helps to save birds, tropical forests, family farmers and their workers, local rural economies and the Earth we all share.
Note: We had some issues with an open mic and cross-talk early in the presentation but got them fixed about 10 minutes into the talk.
Western Tanager, Sep–Oct 2022, Vol. 89 No. 1
Page 1–2 Hawk On The Block
Page 3 Nature Nexus & Volunteers
Page 4 Conservation Conversation
Pages 5–6 Birds of the Season
Page 7–8 Hope Is The Thing With Feathers
Pages 9 Upcoming Bird Walks
Rare Bird Alert - September 9, 2022
White-winged Dove | Red Knot | Semipalmated Sandpiper | Sabine’s Gull | Magnificent Frigatebird | Neotropic Cormorant | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Zone-tailed Hawk | Eastern Kingbird | Yellow-green Vireo | Purple Martin | “Large-billed” Savannah Sparrow | Northern Waterthrush | Black-and-white Warbler | Lucy’s Warbler | American Redstart | Summer Tanager
Rare Bird Alert - September 2, 2022
Upcoming Bird Walks
Open Wetlands at Ballona Salt Marsh — Bird Walk (1st Saturday)
Open Wetlands at Ballona Salt Marsh — Bird Walk (2nd Sunday)
Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area — Bird Walk (3rd Saturday)
South Los Angeles Wetlands Park — Bilingual Bird Walk (Sat. Oct 15)
Will Rogers State Historic Park — Beginner's Bird Walk (Experienced birders welcome too!) (Oct. 16)