Tundra Swan | Mountain Plover | American Golden-Plover | Pacific Golden-Plover | Sandhill Crane | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | “Prairie” Merlin | Dusky-capped Flycatcher | Tropical Kingbird | THICK-BILLED KINGBIRD | Eastern Phoebe | Gray Catbird | Dark-eyed “Pink-sided” Junco | Green-tailed Towhee | Bobolink | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | Lucy’s Warbler | Palm Warbler | Painted Redstart | Summer Tanager | Blue Grosbeak | Lazuli Bunting
Rare Bird Alert - November 3, 2024
Common Ground Dove | Lesser Nighthawk | Pacific Golden-Plover | Lesser Black-backed Gull | WEDGE-TAILED SHEARWATER | Zone-tailed Hawk | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | “Black” Merlin | Tropical Kingbird | Eastern Phoebe | Clay-colored Sparrow | Dark-eyed “Pink-sided” Junco | White-throated Sparrow | Green-tailed Towhee | Black-and-white Warbler | Lucy’s Warbler | Bay-breasted Warbler | Cape May Warbler | Painted Redstart | Summer Tanager | Scarlet Tanager
Rare Bird Alert - October 26, 2024
Common Ground Dove | White-winged Dove | Mountain Plover | Pacific Golden-Plover | Red Phalarope | Lesser Black-backed Gull | American Bittern | Little Blue Heron | Broad-winged Hawk | Zone-tailed Hawk | Tropical Kingbird | Pacific Wren | Red-throated Pipit | Lapland Longspur | Chestnut-collared Longspur | Grasshopper Sparrow | Clay-colored Sparrow | Dark-eyed “Pink-sided” Junco | White-throated Sparrow | Green-tailed Towhee | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | Lucy’s Warbler | Cape May Warbler | Blackburnian Warbler | Magnolia Warbler | Palm Warbler | Summer Tanager | Painted Bunting
Rare Bird Alert - October 19, 2024
Lesser Nighthawk | Pacific Golden-Plover | Sabine’s Gull | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Little Blue Heron | Western Cattle Egret | Broad-winged Hawk | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Tropical Kingbird | Chestnut-collared Longspur | Grasshopper Sparrow | Lark Bunting | Clay-colored Sparrow | Orchard Oriole | Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Painted Bunting | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | Lucy’s Warbler | American Redstart | Cape May Warbler | Magnolia Warbler | Blackburnian Warbler | Blackpoll Warbler | Palm Warbler | Summer Tanager
Rare Bird Alert - October 11, 2024
White-winged Dove | Lesser Nighthawk | Pacific Golden-Plover | Red Knot | Sabine’s Gull | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Little Blue Heron | Western Cattle Egret | Broad-winged Hawk | Tropical Kingbird | Grasshopper Sparrow | Clay-colored Sparrow | Green-tailed Towhee | Orchard Oriole | Baltimore Oriole | Black-and-white Warbler | American Redstart | Palm Warbler | Painted Redstart | Summer Tanager | Painted Bunting
Birds of the Season–September 2024
Summer on the deserts is always hot, but on the coastal slope the summer of 2024 was relatively mild. At least that was the case until early September when the first real heat wave of the season arrived. Up to that point, the county had been left largely unscathed by wildfires, but things were about to change dramatically.
Rare Bird Alert - October 4, 2024
American Golden-Plover | Pacific Golden-Plover | Sabine’s Gull | Franklin’s Gull | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Little Blue Heron | Broad-winged Hawk | Zone-tailed Hawk | Great Crested Flycatcher | Tropical Kingbird | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher | Gray Vireo | Grasshopper Sparrow | Clay-colored Sparrow | Green-tailed Towhee | Bobolink | Baltimore Oriole | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | American Redstart | Palm Warbler | Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Indigo Bunting | Painted Bunting
Rare Bird Alert - September 27, 2024
Pacific Golden-Plover | Little Blue Heron | Western Cattle Egret | Broad-winged Hawk | Eastern Kingbird | Least Flycatcher | “Black-backed” White Wagtail | Clay-colored Sparrow | Lark Bunting | Bobolink | Baltimore Oriole | Ovenbird | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | American Redstart | Northern Parula | TROPICAL PARULA | Blackburnian Warbler | Palm Warbler | Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Dickcissel
Rare Bird Alert - September 20, 2024
Calliope Hummingbird | American Oystercatcher | Pacific Golden-Plover | Stilt Sandpiper | Franklin’s Gull | Little Blue Heron | Broad-winged Hawk | Purple Martin | “Black-backed” White Wagtail | Grasshopper Sparrow | Green-tailed Towhee | Bobolink | Worm-eating Warbler | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | Prothonotary Warbler | American Redstart | TROPICAL PARULA | Canada Warbler | Summer Tanager | Indigo Bunting
Rare Bird Alert - September 14, 2024
Hooded Merganser | White-winged Dove | Calliope Hummingbird | Pacific Golden-Plover | Red Knot | Stilt Sandpiper | Little Blue Heron | Western Cattle Egret | Merlin | Eastern Kingbird | Purple Martin | “Black-backed” White Wagtail | Lark Bunting | White-crowned Sparrow (dark-lored) | Baltimore Oriole | Northern Waterthrush | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | American Redstart | TROPICAL PARULA | Painted Bunting