Birds Mentioned:
“White-winged Dove | Pacific Golden-Plover | Sabine’s Gull | Common Tern | Neotropic Cormorant | Little Blue Heron | Cattle Egret | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Zone-tailed Hawk | Ferruginous Hawk | Plumbeous Vireo | Green-tailed Towhee | Clay-colored Sparrow | Black-throated Sparrow | Northern Waterthrush | Black-and-white Warbler | Tennessee Warbler | Lucy’s Warbler | Virginia’s Warbler | American Redstart | Blackpoll Warbler | Summer Tanager”
This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for September 27.
The PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER along lower Ballona Creek was present through September 20 near the UCLA boat ramp (upstream from Pacific Ave.).
A SABINE’S GULL and an AMERICAN REDSTART were at Lake Palmdale on September 26. This is private property, but the lake itself may be viewed from the Highway 14 overlook or from the parking lot near its northeast corner.
One and then two COMMON TERNS were at Apollo Park near Lancaster from September 20-23. Another was at Malibu Lagoon on September 26.
A NEOTROPIC CORMORANT continued in the settling ponds below Hansen Dam through September 21. It was last seen on the south side of Glenoaks near Branford Street.
At Madrona Marsh in Torrance, the immature LITTLE BLUE HERON was seen through September 24.
Four CATTLE EGRETS were at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB (letter of permission required) through September 25.
Up to three YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS were along lower Ballona Creek and at the Ballona Freshwater Marsh through September 22.
A ZONE-TAILED HAWK was at Bonelli Regional Park (in the area northeast of the reservoir) on September 20.
A rather early FERRUGINOUS HAWK was in the east Antelope Valley on September 22 near 117th Street East and Ave. I.
A GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE and a BLACK-THROATED SPARROW were at DeForest Wetlands Park in Long Beach on September 24. This area is just below DeForest Park proper.
A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW was at Sand Dune Park in Manhattan Beach on September 26 in the fennel area.
A NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH was in the Rose Garden at the Natural History Museum from September 24-25.
The BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER continued near the southwest corner of Madrona Marsh in Torrance through September 26 ( in willows east of the meadow area). A PLUMBEOUS VIREO was also in this area on September 22. A WHITE-WINGED DOVE continued at the preserve through September 23.
Another BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER was at Banning Park in Wilmington from September 22-24. It was in a eucalyptus near the rose garden. A TENNESSEE WARBLER was at the park on September 26 in a ficus tree along the north fence by the dumpsters.
At La Mirada Creek Park, a VIRGINIA’S WARBLER was present from September 24-25 (in a eucalyptus near the hill down from the LDS Church). A TENNESSEE WARBLER was in the park on September 25, south of Imperial Highway in a eucalyptus along the paved trail connecting the upper and lower areas of the park. Also present was a LUCY’S WARBLER below the small church west of Cordova on September 25.
A BLACKPOLL WARBLER was at Hemingway Park in Carson on September 20. Another BLACKPOLL WARBLER was at UCLA in Westwood on September 25 in the campus center by the Student Activities building.
A SUMMER TANAGER was on San Clemente Island on September 24.
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