Birds Mentioned:
““Eurasian” Green-winged Teal | White-winged Scoter | LEAST GREBE | Red-necked Grebe | White-winged Dove | American Oystercatcher | Pacific Golden-Plover | Neotropic Cormorant | Zone-tailed Hawk | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Hairy Woodpecker | White-headed Woodpecker | “Black” Merlin | Tropical Kingbird | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher | Hammond’s Flycatcher | Pacific-slope Flycatcher | Cassin’s Vireo | RED-FLANKED BLUETAIL | “Red” Fox Sparrow | White-throated Sparrow | Harris’s Sparrow | Dark-eyed “Gray-headed” Junco | Hooded Oriole | RUSTY BLACKBIRD | Black-and-white Warbler | American Redstart | Palm Warbler | Painted Redstart”
This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for February 1.
The "EURASIAN" GREEN-WINGED TEAL continued through January 27 at the San Gabriel Coastal Basin Spreading Grounds in Pico Rivera. Enter the basins from the east end of Mines Avenue, east of Passons Blvd.
A WHITE-WINGED SCOTER was on Westlake Lake in Westlake Village on January 27.
A possible LEAST GREBE was seen along the Lincoln Blvd. arm of the Ballona Freshwater Marsh on January 28. Confirmation of this record would be highly desirable.
The RED-NECKED GREBE on Lake Palmdale was seen through January 27. There is no public access, but the lake can be viewed from Barrel Springs Road (just north of Lago Lindo Road).
A WHITE-WINGED DOVE continued along the LA River in Long Beach through January 29. It is being seen in the area around Hill Street and 20th Street (below the Willow Street crossing).
The continuing AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHER at Royal Palms Beach in San Pedro was observed through January 30.
The PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER along lower Ballona Creek was seen through January 30. It is often by the UCLA boat ramp north of Pacific Avenue or in this general area. Also check the salt pan.
The NEOTROPIC CORMORANT at Echo Park in Los Angeles was reported through January 30.
The ZONE-TAILED HAWK in Monrovia was reported through January 30. It is in the area around Grand Park and is often seen flying in the vicinity.
The YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER in the Sepulveda Basin was seen through January 31. It has been in the trees around the amphitheater and along Haskell Creek just north of the wildlife area north entrance. Also check the large pine (full of sapsucker holes) south of the restrooms.
A WHITE-HEADED WOODPECKER and two HAIRY WOODPECKERS were at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden in Claremont on January 26. They were in the dead pines north of the maintenance yard.
A “BLACK” MERLIN was seen along Barley Flats Road in the San Gabriel Mountains on January 30.
Two TROPICAL KINGBIRDS continued through last week at Entradero Park in Torrance with at least one reported through January 30 around the pond. A PALM WARBLER continued by the batting cages through January 26.
Another TROPICAL KINGBIRD continued at Ken Malloy Harbor Regional Park in Harbor City through January 25 and one was at Sims Bio Pond Reserve in Long Beach on January 26.
The SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER continued along the LA River south of Willow Street in Long Beach through January 26. Check the east side of the river (both the neighborhood and the bare trees in the river channel) below Hill Street, just north of PCH. There is access (a staircase) at the west end of Hill Street.
A HAMMOND’S FLYCATCHER continued at Madrona Marsh in Torrance through January 29.
PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHERS were at Hemingway Park in Carson on January 25 and at Lacy Park in San Marino (southwest corner) on January 30.
A CASSIN’S VIREO was at the Village Green Condominiums (by the west side Flame Tree) on January 27. This is private property, but birders are welcome. Please be thoughtful of the residents.
The RED-FLANKED BLUETAIL at Clark Library in the West Adams district of Los Angles was seen throughJanuary 31. The library grounds are open to the public from 9-5 on weekdays only. This Saturday (February 2) the grounds will be open from 9-1. The area near the southeast U-shaped hedge may be the most reliable area for this bird, but it moves around the grounds.
Two “RED” FOX SPARROWS were found at Occidental College in Eagle Rock on January 30. Both birds were below the Remsen Birds hillside amphitheater.
A WHITE-THROATED SPARROW was at the upper west end of Arlington Garden in Pasadena from January 28-30.
The DARK-EYED “GRAY-HEADED” JUNCO (through January 30) and HARRIS’S SPARROW (through January 31) continued at Hahamongna Watershed Park in Pasadena. Both are usually around the sports field on the west side of the basin).
The adult male HOODED ORIOLE continued at the Huntington Library in San Marino through January 27. It is often at the north end of the desert garden, but may be seen elsewhere in the area and even in the parking lot.
A RUSTY BLACKBIRD continued at Jesse Owens Park in Los Angeles through February 1. Check the area by the ball fields and playground.
Another RUSTY BLACKBIRD continued at Lake Balboa in the San Fernando Valley through January 30. It is usually on the south side of the lake around the parking lot and playground area.
An adult male AMERICAN REDSTART and a BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER were at Hemingway Park in Carson through January 25. Check the area under the power lines near the nursery.
An AMERICAN REDSTART was present from January 30-February 1 at Marsh Street Nature Park in the Atwater Village area. The park is east of the 2 Freeway on the south side of the LA River.
The PALM WARBLER continued in Long Beach near 1765 Magnolia Ave. (along the greenbelt south of PCH and Magnolia) through January 28
The PAINTED REDSTART at Brookside Park in Pasadena was present through January 30. It is being seen behind the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center between the playground area and Arroyo Terrace and favors the large dead pine tree.