White-winged Dove | Pacific Golden-Plover | RED-NECKED STINT | Semipalmated Sandpiper | Common Tern | Neotropic Cormorant | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Northern Harrier | Purple Martin | Northern Waterthrush | Lucy's Warbler
Western Tanager, Vol. 88 No. 1, Sep–Oct 2021
INSIDE THIS ISSUE, Vol. 88 No. 1 Sep–Oct 2021
Island Hopping: Birding the U.S. Virgin Islands, By Lisa Freeman; The Baldwin Hills Greenhouse Program Research Projects, 2020-2021 school year: What If We Had A Field Trip and Nobody Could Attend?, By Cindy Hardin; Birds of the Season - August 2021, By Jon Fisher; Grand Appreciation For All Things Natural, By Rose White; Long Live The Queen, By Michael H. Lester; The Circus Is In Town, By Michael H. Lester; The Velocity Master, By Richard Knight; We Have a Birdbath, By Susan Lapham; The Los Angeles Cardinal, By Rachelle A. Arslan;
The Western Tanager is the chapter newsletter of the Los Angeles Audubon Society and has been published continuously since 1934. Originally published in print and mailed to each member, beginning with the January/February 2006 issue (Vol. 72 No. 3), the Western Tanager has been published online as PDF issues. For older issues, please visit the archives at: https://thewesterntanager.org/
Long Live The Queen!
Birds of the Season — August 2021
Grand Appreciation for all Things Natural
What If We Had a Field Trip & Nobody Could Attend?
Island Hopping: Birding the U.S. Virgin Islands, Part 1: St. Croix
T he U.S. Virgin Islands – St. Croix, St. Thomas, St. John, and dozens of minor islands – serve as a fuel and rest stop for hundreds of thousands of birds traveling north and south over the Caribbean Sea during spring and winter migration. In all, more than 140 species of birds have been recorded in the coastal wetlands, mangrove forests and salt ponds, dry and moist forests, and along the rocky cliffs and coves, making the USVI worthy of a birding adventure. I headed there recently to learn about the challenges facing birds on these remote islands and to discover exciting new birds for my life list.