Rare Bird Alert - December 9, 2022


Tundra Swan | Barrow’s Goldeneye | Pacific Golden-Plover | Mountain Plover | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Neotropic Cormorant | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Tropical Kingbird | Pacific-slope Flycatcher | Pacific Wren | American Pipit (japonicus) | Dark-eyed “Pink-sided” Junco | White-throated Sparrow | Swamp Sparrow | Green-tailed Towhee | Scott’s Oriole | Black-and-white Warbler | American Redstart | Palm Warbler | Painted Redstart | Summer Tanager

This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for 9 December 2022.

A TUNDRA SWAN was along the San Gabriel River in Montebello between Slauson Ave. and Telegraph Road through December 7.

A BARROW’S GOLDENEYE was along the Los Angeles Aqueduct in the Antelope Valley just west of 77th Street on December 5.  Subsequent searches were unable to relocate this bird.

The PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER continued along Ballona Creek upstream from the Pacific Ave. bridge through December 3.

Up to thirteen MOUNTAIN PLOVERS were at the A&G Sod Farm in the Antelope Valley through December 6.  The sod farm is at 50th Street East and Ave. N.  Be sure to bird from the road only as this is private property.

A LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL continued at MacArthur Park in Los Angeles through December 7.

NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS were at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas through December 5, at Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale on December 7 and at Belvedere Park in East Los Angeles on December 9.

Up to three YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at Ballona Lagoon in Marina del Rey through December 8. 

A YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was at Veteran’s Park in Sylmar on December 4 east of the main southwest side parking area.

TROPICAL KINGBIRDS were along the San Gabriel River below the Slauson crossing in Pico Rivera through December 3, at Colorado Lagoon in Long Beach through December 4, along the Los Angeles River in Long Beach (below the Willow Street crossing) through December 4, at Belmont Pier in Long Beach on December 6 and at Bixby Park in Long Beach on December 7.

A PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHER was at Boneli Regional Park in San Dimas on December 4 and another was at Lower Arroyo Park in Pasadena on December 4.

A PACIFIC WREN continued at South Fork Campground along Big Rock Creek on the north slope of the San Gabriel Mountains through December 4

The japonicus AMERICAN PIPIT continued at the Ferraro soccer fields in Glendale through December 2.

DARK-EYED “PINK-SIDED” JUNCOS were at Veteran’s Park in Sylmar on December 4 and continuing at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas (at Sailboat Cove) through December 8.

WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS continued at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas through December 8 by the small north side pond, at Colorado Lagoon in Long Beach through December 4 and in Rolling Hills through December 2. One was on San Clemente Island on December 3 and another was at St. Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo on December 5.

Two SWAMP SPARROWS continued at Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas through December 8 by the small north shore pond and at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB through December 6 (along Ave. C).

A GREEN-TAILED TOHWEE continued at the West San Gabriel River Parkway Nature Trail in Lakewood through December 5.

A SCOTT’S ORIOLE continued at Crystalaire in Llano through December 6.

BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLERS continued at Bonelli Regional Park through December 8, at Madrona Marsh in Torrance through December 8 (in willows on the west side of the south pond).  Another BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER was at Pico Park in Pico Rivera on December 8.

An AMERICAN REDSTART was at Pearblossom Park in the Antelope Valley on December 5.

A PALM WARBLER continued at Avila Park in Long Beach (along the Los Angeles River below Willow Street) through December 6.

PAINTED REDSTARTS included one continuing in Brentwood (1025 Wellesley Ave.) through December 3 and another by Carson Park on Long Beach (along Clipperton Lane) from December 6-9.

A SUMMER TANAGER continued at Bonelli Regional Park through December 8 around the north shore large rectangular parking lot and another continued at Stearns Champions Park in Long Beach through December 7.



For all events, field trips and announcements, please see our website at http://www.laaudubon.org

California Bird Records Committee (report rarities as appropriate on the rare bird report form):  http://www.californiabirds.org/

 Enter your bird sightings on eBird:  http://ebird.org/content/ebird