Birds Mentioned:
“Eurasian Wigeon | White-winged Scoter | Black Scoter | Long-tailed Duck | Red-necked Grebe | Pacific Golden-Plover | Mountain Plover | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Pacific Loon | American Bittern | Little Blue Heron | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Swainson’s Hawk | Zone-tailed Hawk | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Ash-throated Flycatcher | Tropical Kingbird | Eastern Phoebe | Verdin | Grasshopper Sparrow | Clay-colored Sparrow | Dark-eyed “Gray-headed” Junco | Dark-eyed “Pink-sided” Junco | White-throated Sparrow | Swamp Sparrow | Green-tailed Towhee | Bobolink | Scott’s Oriole | Black-and-white Warbler | Nashville Warbler | Palm Warbler | Summer Tanager”
Greater Peewee | Photo: Mike Charest
This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for November 20.
A EURASIAN WIGEON was at the north pond at the San Gabriel Coastal Basin Spreading Grounds in Pico Rivera on November 17.
A male BLACK SCOTER continued off Dockweiler State Beach in El Segundo through November 17.
Along the Los Angeles River in Long Beach between the Willow Street and Anaheim crossings, a female LONG-TAILED DUCK and a female BLACK SCOTER continued through November 20.
A RED-NECKED GREBE was at Lake Palmdale on November 14. This is private property, but the lake can be viewed from the park and ride lot or from the 14 Freeway overlook (accessible from northbound lanes only).
The PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER along lower Ballona Creek was seen through November 19. Park at the end of Pacific Ave in Playa del Rey and head north over the bridge to the far side of the channel. Walk upstream and watch for the bird at or near the UCLA boat ramp.
A single MOUNTAIN PLOVER was in the Antelope Valley at Avenue L and 50th Street East on November 14 and six were at the A&G Sod Farm on November 19. The sod fields are at Avenue N and 50th Street East. Most of the land in this area is private property, bird from the roadside only.
A second cycle LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL was on the south lake at Peck Road Water Conservation Park in Arcadia on November 14.
A first cycle LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL was at Malibu Lagoon on November 16.
A PACIFIC LOON was at Quail Lake near Gorman on November 16.
An AMERICAN BITTERN continued at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB through November 17. A letter of permission is required for entry.
The immature LITTLE BLUE HERON continued at Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro through November 18. It has been around the salt marsh and nearby areas.
At least one YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON (juvenile) continued at the Ballona Freshwater Marsh through November 16. Either the same bird or another one was on the breakwater beyond the Ballona Creek mouth on November 16.
Two SWAINSON'S HAWKS were at Hansen Dam near Lake View Terrace on November 15.
A ZONE-TAILED HAWK, presumably the same bird that has been in the area for some time, was seen near north end of Michillinda Avenue in Pasadena on November 13.
A YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was at the South Coast Botanic Garden on November 19 in the palms and pines around the nursery area.
An ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER continued at Madrona Marsh in Torrance through November 18.
TROPICAL KINGBIRDS continued at Colorado Lagoon in Long Beach on wires along the edge of the golf course through November 13 and at Entradero Park in Torrance through November 19, usually around the pond.
The EASTERN PHOEBE at the Bette Davis Picnic Area in Glendale was reported through November 14. It is being seen on the north side of the Los Angeles River, usually just east of the Riverside Drive crossing. It may be seen in the park area proper or between there and the island east of Riverside.
Unusual coastally was a VERDIN at Alta Vicente Reserve in Rancho Palos Verdes from November 17-19.
A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW continued at Domenic Massari Park in Palmdale through November 13
Two DARK-EYED "GRAY-HEADED" JUNCOS continued at Mt. Wilson (temporarily closed to public access) through November 15.
A DARK-EYED "PINK-SIDED" JUNCO and a DARK-EYED "GRAY-HEADED" JUNCO were at College Park in Claremont on November 13.
Other DARK-EYED "PINK-SIDED" JUNCOS were in Altadena on November 13, at Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB on November 17 and at Gold Star Manor in Long Beach on November 16 along with an immature male SUMMER TANAGER.
A WHITE-THROATED SPARROW was at the South Coast Botanic Garden on November 17 by the Arizona Crossing.
The SWAMP SPARROW at Castaic Lagoon was seen through November 18. It is being seen on the west side of the lagoon at the north edge of the main beach close to the shoreline (below parking lot 7).
A GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE continued at the West San Gabriel River Parkway Nature Trail in Lakewood through November 19.
A BOBOLINK continued in the weedy area behind the dam spillway at Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale through November 18. A GRASSHOPPER SPARROW was seen here along the dirt road leading from the parking area to the spillway on November 15.
A male SCOTT’S ORIOLE continued at a residence in Glendora on November 14.
BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLERS continued at Hopkins Wilderness Park in Redondo Beach through November 13 and at Madrona Marsh in Torrance through November 19 at the meadow willows.
A NASHVILLE WARBLER was at Peck Road Water Conservation Park in Arcadia on November 14. It was seen both at the north end willows and in the area between the north and south lake.
A PALM WARBLER was at the San Gabriel Coastal Basin Spreading Grounds in Pico Rivera on November 14. It was near the San Gabriel River, adjacent to the end of Mines Ave. A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW was here on November 15.
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