Birds Mentioned:
“Hooded Merganser | White-winged Dove | American Oystercatcher | Pacific Golden-Plover | Semipalmated Sandpiper | Neotropic Cormorant | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Grasshopper Sparrow | Lark Bunting | Clay-colored Sparrow | Black-throated Sparrow | Virginia’s Warbler | American Redstart | Hooded Warbler | Chestnut-sided Warbler | Canada Warbler | Summer Tanager”
This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for September 11.
A HOODED MERGANSER was at Apollo Park on September 7.
Two WHITE-WINGED DOVES were in Santa Monica on September 6 and one was at the Ballona Freshwater Marsh also on September 6.
The AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHER at Royal Palms Beach in San Pedro was seen through September 8.
The PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER along lower Ballona Creek was reported through September 7. It has usually been near the UCLA boat ramp area (upstream from Pacific Ave.).
A SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER was along the Los Angeles River below the Slauson Ave. crossing on September 6.
A GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL continued north of Slauson through September 9.
One NEOTROPIC CORMORANT continued below the Willow Street crossing along the lower Los Angeles River in Long Beach through September 5.
Two YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at the Ballona Freshwater Marsh through September 7.
Two more YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS were at Sims Bio Pond in Long Beach through September 8.
A GRASSHOPPER SPARROW was at Griffith Park on September 7 on the southwest side of the Toyon Landfill.
Another GRASSHOPPER SPARROW was at Pt Vicente from September 7-9 northeast of the Interpretive Center.
A BLACK-THROATED SPARROW was at Malibu Lagoon on September 11.
A LARK BUNTING was at Alta Vicente Reserve on the Palos Verdes Peninsula on September 7.
A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW was at Hansen Dam near the Amphitheater south of the main (Foothill Blvd.) parking lot on September 7.
A VIRGINIA's WARBLER was at Madrona Marsh in Torrance from September 4-6 in willows in the southwest part of the preserve.
Another VIRGINIA'S WARBLER was at Hahamongna Watershed Park in Pasadena on September 6 in the southeast part of the basin.
A HOODED WARBLER was on the Loyola Marymount Campus in Westchester on September 5. Note that the campus is currently closed to the public.
An AMERICAN REDSTART was at Orcutt Ranch in West Hills on September 6. It was in oaks south of the rose garden.
Another AMERICAN REDSTART was at the southwest corner of Rancho Sierra Golf Course in the Antelope Valley on September 11. This is private property, be sure to ask permission to bird at the club house.
A CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER and a CANADA WARBLER were on San Clemente Island on September 8.
Two SUMMER TANAGERS continued at Pearblossom Park in the south Antelope Valley through Setember 8.
For all events, field trips and announcements, please see our website at
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