Birds Mentioned:
“Spotted Dove | Common Ground Dove | Black Swift | Neotropic Cormorant | Summer Tanager”
This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for July 17.
Three SPOTTED DOVES, now quite rare locally, were seen briefly at the intersection of Compton Ave. and 89th Street in Los Angeles on July 13.
COMMON GROUND DOVES continue in Bellflower, with up to three reported through July 12. They have been seen along the north side of the golf course and are often visible by looking south from the Volutone parking lot.
Three BLACK SWIFTS were along the fire road above Claremont Wilderness Park on July 12.
At least two NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS continue along the lower Los Angeles River in Long Beach. They are being seen south of the Willow Street crossing, often near the end of Hill Street.
Another NEOTROPIC CORMORANT was at the spreading basins below Hansen Dam on July 12. The nearest intersection is Glenoaks Blvd. and Branford Street.
A SUMMER TANAGER pair continued west of the ball field at Pearblossom Park in the Antelope Valley through July 13.
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