Birds Mentioned:
“White-winged Dove | Black Swift | Red Knot | Baird’s Sandpiper | Glaucous-winged Gull | MASKED BOOBY | Neotropic Cormorant | Brown Pelican | Reddish Egret | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron”
This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for August 16.
A WHITE-WINGED DOVE was seen at the Ballona Freshwater Marsh near Playa del Rey through August 12.
Three BLACK SWIFTS were seen from Cobal Canyon Motorway above Claremont Wilderness Park on August 9, with one present on August 14. They have been observed from the bench along the fire road. Late afternoon and early evening is the best time to look for them in this area.
The RED KNOT continued at Malibu Lagoon through August 10.
Two BAIRD’S SANDPIPERS, the first reported this fall, were at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB (letter of permission required) on August 16.
A GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL was on the LA River in South Gate close to Southern Ave. on August 14.
A MASKED BOOBY was seen at Dockweiler State Beach in El Segundo on August 9.
Two NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS continued at the spreading ponds just below Hansen Dam through August 11. They were last seen in the pond on the south side of Glenoaks closest to Branford St.
The BROWN PELICAN continued at Lake Balboa in the San Fernando Valley through August 9.
A REDDISH EGRET was at Malibu Lagoon on August 12.
Two YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at the Ballona Freshwater Marsh through August 12 and one was reported through August 15. They are usually along the Lincoln Blvd. arm of the marsh, but do move around the area.
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California Bird Records Committee (report rarities as appropriate on the rare bird report form):
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