Birds Mentioned:
“Common Merganser | American Oystercatcher | Semipalmated Sandpiper | Neotropic Cormorant | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Summer Tanager”
This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for July 12.
A COMMON MERGANSER continued along the LA River in Glendale between North Atwater Park and Los Feliz Blvd. through July 7. Another probable COMMON MERGANSER was at Quail Lake near Gorman on July 9.
An AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHER continued at Royal Palms Beach (White Point on the Palos Verdes Peninsula) through July 8.
A SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER was at the Piute Ponds on Edwards AFB on July 6. It was on the north side of Duckbill Lake. As always, a letter of permission is required.
Two NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS were near Hansen Dam from July 8-11. They were observed at the settling ponds southeast of Branford and Glenoaks, just south of the dam.
Another NEOTROPIC CORMORANT continued along the LA River in Long Beach (just below Willow Street) through July 10.
Two YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at the Ballona Freshwater Marsh through July 7. They are usually along the Lincoln Blvd. arm of the marsh.
A SUMMER TANAGER was at King Gillette Ranch near Calabasas on July 6.
An immature male SUMMER TANAGER continued at the Sepulveda Basin through July 7. It was last seen near the north end of the wildlife preserve.
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