Birds Mentioned:
“Long-tailed Duck | American Oystercatcher | Neotropic Cormorant | American White Pelican | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | California Condor | Tennessee Warbler | American Redstart | GRACE’S WARBLER | Rose-breasted Grosbeak”
This is the Los Angeles Rare Bird Alert for June 21.
A LONG-TAILED DUCK has been by the Cabrillo Beach Fishing Pier from June 13-18.
Two AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS were at Royal Palms Beach (White Point on the Palos Verdes Peninsula) on June 18, with one observed there on June 19.
A NEOTROPIC CORMORANT was found along the LA River in Glendale on June 21. It was adjacent to the Bette Davis Picnic Area.
An AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN was at Willow Street along the LA River in Long Beach on June 15.
Up to two YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at the Ballona Freshwater Marsh through June 18, usually along the Lincoln Blvd. arm of the marsh. What was likely one of these birds was seen at Del Rey Lagoon on June 16.
Two more YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS were at Sims Bio Pond in Long Beach from June 15-16.
A CALIFORNIA CONDOR was seen from the I-5 by Gorman on June 15.
An AMERICAN REDSTART was at Wardlow Park in Long Beach on June 19. It was in the southwest quadrant of the park.
The GRACE’S WARBLER at Charlton Flat in the San Gabriel Mountains continued to be reported through June 14. It was last seen about 100 yards south of the first picnic area.
A TENNESSEE WARBLER was on San Clemente Island from June 17-18 and a ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK was there on June 19.
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