ON THE COVER: Shoreline, Crystal Cove, Photo by Leslie Davidson
Crystal Cove is located in Orange County off the busy Pacific Coast Highway. Crystal
Cove State Park offers hiking in the deeply wooded canyons and water activities at the tide pools and sandy beaches.
My name is Leslie Davidson and I have been a docent at the Ballona Wetlands for the past 17 years. I enjoy photographing nature and love sharing my hobby with others.
Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Western Tanager, Vol. 84 No. 1, September-October 2017
PHOTO ESSAY: Audubon Docents: The Things We Saw, By Photo Essay | By Cindy Hardin, Director of Outdoor Education and Photos by Leslie Davidson
YOUNG BIRDERS: Project Puffin — Audubon’s Seabird Restoration Project in Maine | By Dessi Sieburth
Coots Make Me Smile, By Contributing Author, Bev‐Sue Powers, (www.BallonaPhotography.com)
INTERPRETING NATURE: Aspiring Botanist Goes Plant‐hunting from Baldwin Hills to Yosemite, By Arely Mendia Perez, Environment for the Americas Intern, and Stacey Vigallon, Director of Environmental Education
Birds of the Season – August 2017, By Jon Fisher