The count is organized by Dan Cooper. The Los Angeles Christmas Bird Count circle is found online here: c5dcd0fd3fc7b4
Or search up: “Christmas Bird Count: Map of Active Circles” and enter “Los Angeles, CA”
Email/Prior to count: Dan has several emails, but or are best. Please do not use his old Yahoo address, or his new rcdsmm address to send emails/messages.
Text/Day of count: text is best for reaching Dan on count day: 323.397.3562
Count username for ebird: LosAngelesCBC
(Even) if you’ve done this CBC last year/before, please contact Dan and let him know if you’d like to do the same area you covered in the past (see above). If you’d like to be assigned a different area from last time, contact let him know that too.
Or, meet up with a group:
Del Rey Lagoon, Playa del Rey (8 AM)
Kenneth Hahn Park, near Culver City (7:30 AM)
Echo Park Lake (8 AM)
Ferndell/Trails Cafe (Griffith Park) (8 AM)
If you want to go solo, please either:
Count in your neighborhood (only if you’re inside the circle; see above); or Contact Dan for ideas on where to go.
Count birds within the Los Angeles Xmas Count Circle all morning (see online map above)
Try to use eBird “hotspots”, and keep your birding locations separate;
Text Dan at some point to me know if you got any rarities, or missed any common birds you were pretty sure you’d find (you can also discuss this in advance with Dan);
Enter your sightings – including all photos and details on rarities – to eBird using your own username/account;
SHARE your checklist(s) with the following username: LosAngelesCBC
To do this, once you’ve entered your list in eBird, save your checklist, click the little “Share” button to the right of your name on the checklist, and enter the username “LosAngelesCBC”
Remember to ALSO click the green “Share Checklist” button once you’re done.
Note: Some people continue to count in the afternoon/evening (areas that weren’t well covered, or later for owls), or will chase birds that were found that morning. Just note the time you counted in your eBird checklist.
Once again, please share your count day list(s) in eBird with:
Please DO NOT share your lists with “Dan Cooper”, “”,” or “dcooper137”
If you can’t figure out eBird, just send me a list of your total species and individuals, and Dan can do it for you.
Dan will post a summary of the count a few days afterward, but you’ll always be able to see your sightings, and others’ who did the count, in eBird.
Note: In 2012, Audubon dropped the $5 fee to participate in the CBC, and most counts did away with the online registration process. Please consider donating to Audubon directly to support the count (including data management):